Last meeting of
schools of the district at the public hearing
Last Friday, May 18th, all the students of the school went to
‘Las Basses’ where they finished the project. Just starting the meeting, Janet
Sanz, our councilor, thanked us for the work done during these months. Next, opened
a turn for questions, where our school was very participatory. We really liked
being able to say goodbye to the councilor.
Última trobada d'escoles del districte a l’audiència pública
El passat divendres 18 de maig tots els alumnes de l’escola
van anar a l’espai jove les Basses on van donar per finalitzat aquest projecte.
Només començar la trobada la Janet Sanz, la nostra regidora, ens va agrair el
treball fet durant aquests mesos. Seguidament es va obrir un torn obert a
preguntes, on la nostra escola, va estar-hi molt participativa. Ens va agradar
molt poder acomiadar-nos de la regidora.